My School's Life

Primary School

My primary school 's name is SJK(C)Yu Ying.It is a half government aid chinese national primary school which located at No 1, Jalan Tengas,Mambang Diawan 31950 Kampar,Perak. It is also classified as a small school as each standard only has one class and the number of students in the class does not more than 30 person.Most of the teachers in my school are female and all of them are nice and treat all of us as their own children.

primary school photo

I get started my primary school's life since 2006 and after 6 years study,I graduated from it in year 2011. During these 6 years,I learnt the knowledge from different subjects such as Malay, English,Chinese, Mathematics and so on.In addition to this, I also made friends with all my classmates and built a deep friendship with them even though we didn't study in the same secondary school after primary school.

standard 4 picture
Class photo of us
picture now
Photo of us 2016

I enjoyed my primary school's life as I joined different clubs and societies in my co-curricular activities.I was the member of dance club, badminton club, volleyball club and St Johns Ambulance Malaysia.Although I became very busy after joining all those clubs, but I enjoyed this busy because I could learnt different skills from those clubs which really help me now.As an active member of those clubs and societies, teachers always chose me to participate varies types of competitions such as NGO marching competition,badminton match and volleyball match. To carry out propaganda on behalf of our school and teachers,my teammates and I tried our best to win each of the matches that we took part in.We spent hours and hours to do practice and solved all the tasks that we faced before the competitions.As the rewards of the efforts, we won all the matches and created a miracle for our primary school as we were the first batch that able to win all the matches.

After that, I also picked up the role as a prefect when I was in standard 4. I helped the teachers to maintain the class's order,organised the event in school and had spotcheck amongst the students in a certain period.Owing to the jobs that I had done well, the discipline teachers in the school chose me as the vice chairman of the prefectorial board when I was in standard 6.I was very grateful to the teachers who gave me the chances to lead the prefectorial board,so I tried my best to complete my mission.Being the vice chairman of the prefectorial board, I learnt the way to become a good leader and the tactful way to communicate with the others.

"A wonderful result in academic is essential for our future",this is what my parents told me since I was young.Thus, I always did a lot of hardwork in my academic to ensure that the result of each subject is in an A's grade.I joined a quite number of tuition classes which held by the school to improve my languages,mathematics and science subjects.I like study or maybe can said that I enjoy the process of study with my friends as they always do some funny behaviours in the class.I did a lot of hardworks and at the end I got the best results, 7A's in my UPSR examination before I graduate from my primary school.

Secondary Schoool

After the primary school, I start my new chapter in secondary school called SMJK Pei Yuan.It is a quite well-known school in Kampar that area.It is the best school in that region because of its achievements in the academic and extracurricular activities.It is located at No 9, Jalan Kuala Dipang 31900 Kampar,Perak.It is located at a small hill which surrounded by many trees.Therefore,we need to walk along the slope to the school everyday.When I was the freshman of the school, I always complaint about that long slope as it made me exhausted after climbing up to the school.But now, I am quite reminisce the days that I climb up the slope......

secondary school image
secondary school logo

My secondary has separate into two session, one is the afternoon session and the other one is morning session.This is because my school does not have enough classroom and teachers for the students to study.Thus, lower secondary students will start their lessons in the afternoon while the higher secondary students will start their lessons in the early morning.My secondary school has around thousand students and there are a few classes in each form.In my year, my form has six classes and each class contain 30+ pupils in the class.

My secondary school's life is just like the primary school's life, always busy in my CCA and the academic.I joined in the Chinese society,St Johns Ambulance Malaysia and Prefectorial Board.Again, I took part in the marching competition which held in April annually.But the standard of the marching competition in secondary school is very high and much difficult than the competition in primaary school.We always practice marching under the sun from the morning to the afternoon and the longest duration that we had practice is 6 hours per day.The process when preparing the competition is very hard and filled with tasks.But at the end, when we won the competition, we felt all of the practices are worth.

picture of marching

As the student in the best class of the school,I also faced a lot of stress and pressure.I cannot waste too much of time in playing and hangouts bacause I need to sacrifice all of my time to study. Study in the school, tuition, finish the homeworks given and sleep at night are my weekdays daily routine whereas my weekend is for my CCA activities and sometimes is for the make-up classes.I started this schedule from the first day of my secondary school and end it after 5 years......

Although my time is fulled with the homework and tuitions,but I still enjoyed it because I know that success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.If I want the wonderful results in SPM, no time can be spend in the leisure activities but only in the academic. Owing to my positive thinking, I keep going until the end and finally I achieve my goal, score 10 A's in my SPM examination.

Last but not least, I had created many unforgettable memories with my buddies such as playing pranks to our classmates, help the school to paint the staircase, had a 3 days 2 nights camp in the school and held the farewell party for our prefect seniors. We play together, laughed together;if someone being scolded, we also sad together.I deeply appreciate bacause I can meet and stay with them in the school for 5 years.I cherish every moment with you all in the school because you all made my school's life woderful.

Thanks to the teachers who taught me before, thanks all my buddies who always accompany me all the way.Because of you, my life became much interesting!感恩有你们,我的学习生涯才如此多姿多彩。无论多少年,都勿忘初心。